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DDT is not good for US. It RUINS our Economy.

It is time to learn wisdom from James Madison.
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.

Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other enemy.
War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.

So why is War, the very worst enemy of the people?  Stop, Re-read the above paragraph! Do you like being dominated by an elite, elected, self appointed few, who don't really care about you or your family?

The loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or imagined, from abroad." —James Madison. How could James Madison have forseen our day?
Until 1913 there were no personal income taxes in the USA. Our money was solid Gold and Silver. Then came the Federal Reserve and the printing of Au-Fait/Fake Monopoly type, money. With it came taxes and runaway inflation which is itself a hideous, hidden form of taxation, often in excess of 10%. Since then it has been stupid to save money for your old age. It is much more intelligent and profitable to spend it and obtain its immediate value, before it devalues further. What is less valuable then one Cent?  That very same devalued Cent tomorrow.

We need to go back to the Gold Standard and give and take honestly in all our dealings with our fellow man. Lying about the value of our money does not create confidence amongst ourselves or with others, those with whom we have to trade.

(DDT) Double Dipping Taxation is NOT Good for our U.S. ECONOMY.        

America existed until 1913 without any form of personal Income taxation.
We can do so again.
The Tax Reform needed?

We need to void out the 16thamendment.
It allows the Federal Government excessive access to taxation in the form of a Double Dipping Tax.  DDT has had a terrible effect on our lives.

We've had a Federal Government controlled by rabid warmongers, who cannot seem to keep our country out of foreign conflict, and a Federal Government controlled by Religious do-Good  Fanatics.  It gives them a Fake Patriotic excuse to increase the tax burden directly upon the people. After the 14-18 war, they did not repeal the personal income tax, as former governments had done and were required via the constitution to do. They didn't do it either after the 39-45 war. 
They not only did not repeal personal income tax as prior governments did after various wars in the 1800s.   But in addition, they have been taking large sums of money out of our Social Security Trust Fund, (Yes it is our Trust fund, Ours!  It does not belong to the U.S. Government). 

Without asking permission from "We the people", and without repaying any monies which they took, nor paying interest upon their theft, nor investing it so we could enjoy increased pensions, they have the gall to tell us that our Trust Fund is going broke. Is it any wonder they are now complaining the fund is about to go belly up?  Why?

Their simple I.O.U's are worthless, and especially without the payment of interest to compensate for inflation. Instead of people retiring at age 65, with increased pensions, they want to change pension age to 70, why not make it 90 or 100?    

Our Social Security Trust Fund can now very clearly, simply be fully recognized as an extra  Government Taxation Hush/Slush Fund.  It has simply become a Fund to Provide Uncontrolled Government spending. We, Pensioners, are being robbed of  increased pensions at age 65 because of Government Theft.  The Government does not repay any part of our fund to our individual family estate, upon our prior death.  Why ever not?  
With increased pensions, being paid out at age 60, many more good jobs could become available to our youth.  Those pensions could/would be, if the fund monies were properly invested, instead of being thieved and spent as hush/slush funds, by our Government),

Oh dear, wherever could we otherwise so easily find HUSH/SLUSHfunds? Bollocks!

It is time to; appoint Elected Trustees to our Pension Trust Fund.  It is time to; Remove administration of it, from Government hands. 

Disputes with the fund should be subject to the Federal Courts, with SCOTUS overall jurisdiction.
The origin of the income tax on individuals is generally cited as the passage of the 16th amendment, passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified February 3, 1913; however, its history actually goes back even further.

During the Civil War Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1861 which included a tax on personal incomes to help pay war expenses. The tax was repealed ten years later. However, in 1894 Congress enacted a flat rate Federal income tax, which was correctly ruled unconstitutional the following year by the U.S. Supreme Court because it was a direct tax not apportioned according to the population of each state. (See Article 1 Section 9 of the USA Constitution.) 

The 16th amendment ratified in 1913, to enable the 1914 war expenses removed this objection by allowing the Federal government to tax the income of individuals without regard to the population of each State.

Voluntary War Bonds could have and should have sufficed. But an elected, self selected elite, of mavericks, rabid political animals, did not miss a Democratic Fascist Socialist opportunity to grab power. 

Repeal the 16th amendment!
Very shrewdly imposed upon the people, by malicious tax and spend socialists.  It needs to go, to get rid of DDT and its resultant support of unconstitutional Fascist type Socialism, more appropriate to Church welfare activity.

Continuing the collection of war expenses not to mention the additional taxation due entirely to invisible inflation, caused by printing "Monopoly" type,  au fait greenback dollars (no value, except with your faith and trust), is a terrible burden placed upon the people, by the equally unconstitutional Federal Banking Cartel, which is itself sustained by the National Bank Act which was never ratified as an amendment to our constitution.  Since the National Bank Act was never Ratified, it and the Federal Banking Cartel it supports are unconstitutional. 
A Correction is required.
DDT. Double Dipping Taxation is taxation  paid twice on the same source of earned income. It occurs when income is taxed at both the corporate level and personal level. When a company Makes, Mines, or Extracts products from natural resources and then sells those products, either raw, refined, developed and or manufactured, such a company is allowed to claim all, repeat all, of its lawful expenses incurred due to the production of those goods.  They are thereafter taxed upon their profits net of all lawful deductible expenses.

Deductible expenses include the wages and salaries of all, repeat all, company employees(from Janitor right up to the Chairman or President).  That source of revenue has therefore been fully taxed. The company’s expenses are all tax exempt and all should so remain, tax exempt.  Since their profits have been already fully taxed. Wages and salaries paid to employees are legally classified as company expenses and therefore legally, already taxed. They have already been treated as company expenses, and like other company expenses should remain Tax exempt.  Else why not tax all the other company expenses?

Since the taxes, on this source of income, will have been paid by the company itself, it is double dipping, to also tax employees on money obtained from that same source,  I.E. the profit the company has made.  Income is being taxed at both the corporate level and personal level.  DDT has a bad effect on our economy. Why? DDT allows the Government instead of the individual to spend the money, they take from us. They abuse us, by  unconstitutionally controlling our lives.
Their abuse is the use of our taxes to introduce Social Welfare programs, not authorized by our constitution. Therefore Repeal the 16th amendment!  It needs to go. 

The various churches are all tax exempt, so let them step up to the plate and attend to the welfare of their own members, or lose their tax exempt status. Yes, I know churches are protected by the 1st amendment from taxation.  Those who do not belong to any church can join other Atheist welfare associations, or insure their own risks privately. It is not the Government's job to get involved in welfare work, which properly is the domain of the various churches, and for which alone they should continue to obtain and remain tax-exempt.

'' Feed my sheep!'' Perhaps you will remember the five loaves and two fishes with which the Lord fed his followers upon the mountainside. When God's son gave us that commandment, he gave it to the people directly, not to the Roman Governor nor to King Herod or to any Roman Tetrarch!
The Federal Government has many other sources of revenue, without imposing any personal Income tax. It alone can impose import duties on all foreign products. Necessary to even out an unfair international playing field.

It also controls the printing of money, whereby it has allowed inflation since 1913, another hidden and more vicious form of tax.

Their ability to print money (if we need to do so,) should be limited to 10% additional Dollars in circulation.  I.E. 10% inflation.  It should not be approved automatically, but require a 75% majority vote of  congress who should thus, that very same year require 11% pay increases to counteract 10% inflation. (Not necessary if we return to a gold or silver standard.)

Socialize or Privatize?  That is the Question?  To be Independent! Get the government out of our lives. We got rid of the British King and his  UK Taxes. Do we really now need to have an Oligarch or a Mein Fuehrer in each state or be ruled by a Federal Oligarchy? Why do we now lumbar ourselves with New Taxes?

Taxes on the Profits gained from our resources are totally adequate and sufficient for our government needs. 

Let private enterprise take over. There would then, be far less waste and much more production, with a full return, to 'NO Personal Income taxes'  as we were before the 16th amendment was slapped upon us by socialists. 

YES, get rid of "DEATH TAX" too
aka Federal Inheritance Tax.
People worked hard all their lives to leave something for their families, money taxed when made, could be taxed when spent. Why tax the DEAD?  They are not the welfare burden upon the System. 

Property Taxes too need to go and be replaced by Local Municipal sales taxes. Thus homeowners would not suffer an unwarranted tax burden, in their old age, while living on a reduced income, and being forced to pay rent to a local municipality under the guise of calling it property taxes.

Back to our Constitutional Principles of Total Private Enterprise!  
No Irresponsible, Uncontrollable,  Unfunded, Federal Government or State spending, programs ever!  Privatise!

Demand the Churches earn their Tax Exemption by taking charge of their own Membership Welfare activities.

John J Kiernan  907-441-2964
3550 W Dimond Blvd.  Unit 211
Anchorage AK 99502-1555


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