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Into Whose Pockets?

From a Surplus to a Deficit, in a Flash!  How?
Who has stolen our money?
We have not given our elected delegates the right or the authority to remove any of our freedoms.  However, Liberal Fascist Demon-cRats, all, Political animals, hide behind the very appearance of Democracy, to enforce their dastardly dictates. The Constitution does not grant the Federal Government the authority enact an ACA Medical Insurance plan. However, because of amendment 16, Justice Roberts declared it constitutional as a tax. Further, the requirement to either have insurance or pay a huge fine, removed our freedom of choice. On this matter, I am definitely Pro-Choice.

Now we read that our local Demon-crats are exercising their dastardly Fascist Dictates, to ban plastic shopping bags here in Anchorage AK.  When will they ever learn? 
Previous to its present ownership, the ADN reported that Governor Sarah Palin left over $20 Billion in the states CBR account as she departed the AK.   Yet now the CBR account only records its highest balance as $12 Billion.  How did $8 Billion simply disappear?  Is Sean a Leprechaun?  On top of that, he got rid of our ACES tax revenue stream!  Alaska has been hurting financially since SB 21 replaced ACES.  Now that great liar, R.I.N.O. Walker, wants POMV access to raid the very  Fund itself. The Fund is Permanent because ''We the People'' have set it up that way. The Governor's veto is to prevent laws from being enacted.  Congress can still override it.   His veto does not apply to laws already enacted, else he is a virtual dictator, a Mein Fuhrer.  He too must obey our laws as enacted.

Similarly, the Anchorage Administration of Mayor Berkowitz, which has for years been telling us that we were running a large budget surplus, now suddenly says that we are almost $6 Million in deficit.  Well, Berkowitz is no Leprechaun, so this time, its due to an SAP computer glitch. Isn't it simply amazing how money can be made to dissappear?  One silly, Simple Question:  Into whose pockets?
Dan Kelly of ADN informs us that ''The New Budget proposal released Sept. 28th 2018 @ $522 million is only 1.5% greater than the 2018 budget, and if approved as is, the owner of a property valued at $350,000 would only incur a small  $6 tax increase. (Preferably, I call that, a  Municipal Rent Increase demanded by Maffia Type, non-property owners!)
Perhaps he or someone in the Berkowitz administration could explain to me why my duplex property valued approx $425,000 has been assessed an extra $600 per month, no not $6 per year but $600 per month extra. That means I would have to charge my two tenants $300 each, extra rent. Is that fair to them?
The Municipality needs to get out of the business of Municipal Strong Arm Theft.  They have no business charging rent on property they do not own under the guise of calling it Property Taxes.
Well wasn't that how Herr Adolph Hitler got elected Dictator? He did have the majority vote. Germany just lacked our Electoral College system to control the  majority.  Is it any wonder then, that our current Demons want the electoral college system abolished?  There will always be Political animals such as Adolph, Castro, and Stalin, who wish to Demon-cratically grab absolute control. Rather tough to do in the USA.   Here ''We the people rule'', not a King, not a Pharo, not a Caesar, not a Czar, not a Kaiser, nor a Mein Fuehrer, or any other type of Roman Ethnarch. 

There is no longer any need for Pseudo Government Interference and disappearing $Millions or should I say Billions of Dollars. Yes, the Federal Government has been at it too from our unconstitutional Social Security Trust Fund or should I call it our Hush/Slush Fund? Issuing Simple I.O.U. notes and not paying interest or repaying the money taken. Even the Great highly embarrassed, Roman Church itself, doesn't have such a huge Hush/Slush fund as big as our Federal Government has at its disposal.

Now through the use of Teleconferencing and the Internet, there's no longer a need to elect delegated City  Councillors, State or Federal Representatives and Senators. We ourselves can participate directly in Government decisions. Even some of those who presently do not bother to vote may become more excited and involved. The voice of the people will be heard more clearly. Soon hopefully we can begin to save those huge delegate expenditures on salaries and pensions. Until then, however, we need to remain alert.  When we need to cut expenses, consider that such a great waste of our revenue could be saved by direct participation in our own Government affairs.


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